Crazy 4 U - Valentine's Day Styled Shoot at Red Rock Country Club

"Because I'm crazzzyyy for you! Touch me once and you'll know it's true!" You know that moment when you see something and it invokes a memory and the next thing you know, you've got a song stuck on repeat in your head? That's exactly what's happening over here on this cold, drizzly Valentine's Day. Madonna's song was the soundtrack to a short but sweet boyfriend of mine a lifetime ago, long before I met my now husband Chief Dude. Every time I see one of those candy hearts with messages on them that say Crazy 4 U, it brings me back to that time when maturity hadn't quite set in yet, when street-corner roses and drugstore candy were the best you could hope for on February 14th. 

As darling as it is to look back to that time, I'd be lying if I said I wanted to go back. I like to imagine I'm far too sophisticated now to pine for a decorated shoebox full of cards with fun-sized candy stuck in the pop-up flap. My tastes have elevated to more mature desires, or so I tell myself. And then, one day, everything's pink and red and roses all over and here we are, creating a Valentine's Day styled shoot that is every bit as gorgeous as my adult-self craves and every bit as sweet as those younger memories. I'd say it's a match. 

When Sam sent me a sneak peek a few weeks back of her Valentine's Day styled shoot at Red Rock Country Club with Lianna Marie, I was dazzled. From the stunning bridal makeup with a pop of bright lip color to the romantic half-up hairstyle she created, she made Cupid proud. The final images did not disappoint. It's like Lia reached into my heart and grabbed my favorite feelings about the holiday of love to combine them into a wedding design that was nostalgic and sophisticated all at the same time. The end result is nothing short of breathtaking, and it makes me wonder why we don't all just get together drinking full-bodied Cab and exchanging candy-stuffed cards.


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